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Project by order of the Ministry for School and Further Education North Rhine-Westphalia: evaluation of the 2008 results obtained in the centralized 10th grade examinations (The final report from 18/12/2008 is available at the Ministry’s.)


Further education of head teachers, teacher trainers, and ministry officials of the country of Malawi on account of a project concerning foreign language teaching in Africa under the lead of the seminar for music and its teaching methodology at Cologne University

Since 1999

Author of course books and teacher manuals


Contributor to various events introducing the syllabus for English at the upper secondary level during conferences of further education for teachers of English; topic of the talk: “Introduction to the syllabus for English with a special focus on lesson planning – learning organization at the upper secondary level”


Co-founder of the supplementary course of studies “Bilingual teaching and learning – English” at Cologne University


University of Bath, contribution to “COMENIUS Project preparatory visit: Dialogic Intercultural Learning” in the context of COMENIUS ACTION 2 INTERNATIONAL PROJECT of the European Commission

Member of the section “Early foreign language learning at the primary level and in the entry classes of the lower secondary level” in the Professional Association for Modern Foreign Languages 

1999 – 2005

Participant and Organizer of colloquia on bilingual teaching and learning initiated after the introduction of supplementary courses of study for bilingual teaching and learning at the universities of Wuppertal, Bochum, Dortmund, and Cologne and coordinated with the teacher training seminar for the upper secondary level in Bonn


Member of the commission designing the syllabus for English at the upper secondary level in North Rhine-Westphalia


Projects outside school and university 

Language holidays for pupils in grades 5 to 13 to London and the Isle of Wight (1992 and 1994), Cologne Children’s University (2006), Info-days of Cologne University for pupils of the upper secondary level (2009)


Social commitment

Plan International e.V.

World Vision e.V.