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You are interested in a stay abroad?

First of all, it is necessary to start planning the application as early as possible, i.e. about one to one and a half years before the planned stay as application deadlines are often early.

In addition to the possibilities offered by an Erasmus scholarship or one of the direct collaborations of the English Seminar II with individual universities, one may also go abroad as a foreign language assistant (e.g., via the Educational Exchange Service of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs), whereby you can earn money during your stay as well as further your language and cultural skills.

In brief

  • Select your desired place of residence or study and, if applicable, the university that you wish to attend. Find out about exchange programs and partnerships or plan your stay abroad independently.
  • Visit the various advisory centres to find out more: Centres for International Relations, program officers, ZfL, information events.
  • Ask for information on deadlines, application formats and the application documents to be submitted. It is essential that all fully completed application documents be submitted by the deadline.
  • Prepare yourself at a language level for your stay abroad. Do you meet the language requirements?
  • Look into financial resources, e.g. funding possibilities of the DAAD or other organisations.
  • Inform yourself of accreditation in your subject area and seek advice in this regard (already before you leave for your study abroad). (Who is the contact person?)
  • Prepare your application and take advantage of our advisory services:

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