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Welcome to the homepage of the Department of English II

At the English Seminar II of the University of Cologne you can study for a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Education degree in English Language Teaching for primary school, lower level secondary school (Haupt-, Real- und Gesamtschule) or Special Needs Education. A PhD may also be earned at the Department in the areas of Linguistics, Literary and Cultural Studies, as well as Language and Literature Pedagogy.

The Department focuses on the following areas:

  • The Teaching of English Language, Literatures, and Cultures
  • Early Second Language Acquisition and Immersion
  • Inclusive English Language Teaching
  • Education for Sustainability and Inter-/Transcultural Learning
  • English, American, and postcolonial literatures and cultures
  • Children's and Young Adult Fiction and Film
Information for Students

Information for Students

General information on studying at the Department of English II


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