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Edited Volumes and Journal Issues

Exploring Animal Encounters: Philosophical, Cultural, and Historical Perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018 (with Matthew Calarco). »Website«

Beyond the Human-Animal Divide: Creaturely Lives in Literature and Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 (with Roman Bartosch). »Website«

American Beasts: Perspectives on Animals, Animality and U.S. Culture, 1776-1920. Berlin: Neofelis, 2017. »Review«

Special issue: "Beauty in the Beast: Gender, Animals, Animality." Gender Forum 55, 2015. »Website« 


Articles in Books and Journals

Feminist Intersectionality Studies. In: Mieke Roscher, Brett Mizelle & Aline Steinbrecher (eds.), Handbook of Historical Animal Studies. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2021, 343-357.

Some Thoughts on (Animal) Encounter. In: Dominik Ohrem & Matthew Calarco (eds.), Exploring Animal Encounters: Philosophical, Cultural, and Historical PerspectivesNew York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, 3-42.

Western Horizons, Animal Becomings: Race, Species, and the Troubled Boundaries of the Human in the Era of American Expansionism. In: Sharon Wilcox & Stephanie Rutherford (eds), Historical Animal Geographies. Abingdon: Routledge, 2018, 134-150.

An Address from Elsewhere: Vulnerability, Relationality, and Conceptions of Creaturely Embodiment.” In: Dominik Ohrem & Roman Bartosch (eds), Beyond the Human-Animal Divide: Creaturely Life in Literature and Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 43-75. 

Animating Creaturely Life. In: Dominik Ohrem & Roman Bartosch (eds), Beyond the Human-Animal Divide: Creaturely Life in Literature and Culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 3-19. 

The Ends of Man: The Zooanthropological Imaginary and the Animal Geographies of Westward Expansion in Antebellum America. In: Dominik Ohrem (ed.), American Beasts: Perspectives on Animals, Animality and U.S. Culture, 1776-1920, Berlin: Neofelis, 2017, 245-278. 

A Declaration of Interdependence: American History and the Challenges of Postanthropocentric Historiography. In: Dominik Ohrem (ed.), American Beasts: Perspectives on Animals, Animality and U.S. Culture, 1776-1920, Berlin: Neofelis, 2017, 9-48. 

John L. O‘Sullivan, “Manifest Destiny” (1845), oder: Expansionsdiskurse, Expansionsbegehren und das Unbehagen der kontinentalen Vision. In: Olaf Stieglitz & Jürgen Martschukat (eds), race&sex: Eine Geschichte der Neuzeit, Berlin: Neofelis, 2016, 328-336.

(In)VulnerAbilities: Postanthropozentrische Perspektiven auf Verwundbarkeit, Handlungsmacht und die Ontologie des Körpers. In: Sven Wirth et al. (eds), Das Handeln der Tiere: Tierliche Agency im Fokus der Human-Animal Studies. Bielefeld: transcript, 2016, 67-91.

The Question of the Animal and the Promises of Postanthropocentric Feminisms. Gender Forum 55, 2015. »Website«

"A Deathless Love for the Natural and the Free": Nature, Masculinity and Whiteness in Nineteenth-Century America. In: Roman Bartosch & Sieglinde Grimm (eds), Teaching Environments: Ecocritical Encounters, Frankfurt am Main et al.: Peter Lang, 2014, 171-197.

American Knights in Buckskin: Das Männlichkeitsdispositiv der Frontier und Narrative der Nationsbildung in den USA des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts. In: Elke Kleinau, Dirk Schulz & Susanne Völker (eds), Gender in Bewegung: Aktuelle Spannungsfelder der Gender und Queer Studies, Bielefeld: transcript, 2013, 289-306.



John Frymer, Building an American Empire: The Era of Territorial and Political Expansion. Princeton University Press, 2017. H-Soz-Kult. »Website«

John Bruni, Scientific Americans: The Making of Popular Science and Evolution in Early Twentieth-Century U.S. Literature and Culture. University of Wales Press, 2014. Configurations 24, 3 (2017), 253–256.

Brendan C. Lindsay, Murder State: California's Native American Genocide, 1846-1873. University of Nebraska Press, 2012. Neue Politische Literatur 59 (1), 2014, 138-139. »Website« 

Sarah Jaquette Ray, The Ecological Other: Environmental Exclusion in American Culture. University of Arizona Press, 2013. Neue Politische Literatur 58 (3), 2013, 499-501. »Website«

Jürgen Martschukat, Die Ordnung des Sozialen: Väter und Familien in der amerikanischen Geschichte seit 1770. Campus Verlag, 2013. Neue Politische Literatur 58 (2), 2013, 268-270. »Website«
