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Intersectionality and Animal Studies: Prospects and Pitfalls, Gender | Fictions: What's Sex(y) Now?, Universität of Cologne, October 31, 2018

The Politics of Sharing and the Politics of Being, a.r.t.e.s. forum 2017: “environment | agency”, University of Cologne, July 7, 2017.

At the Ends of Man: The Zooanthropology of American Frontiers, ASLE-UKI 2015 Biennial Conference: “Green Knowledge”, University of Cambridge, September 2-4, 2015

“The Savagest Creature You Ever Did See”: Nineteenth-Century American Frontiers and the Question of (Human) Animality, International Conference of Historical Geographers 2015, Royal Geographical Society London, July 5-10, 2015

On Be(com)ing a Creature: Kreatürliche Ontologien und die Frage mensch-tierlicher Handlungsmacht [engl. On Be(com)ing a Creature: Creaturely Ontologies and the Question of Human and Animal Agency], Handeln Tiere? Zur Theorie und Praxis tierlicher Agency, Berlin, October 31–November 2, 2014

The Natures of Power and the Powers of Nature: Perspectives on American Gender History, ASLE-UKI 2013 Biennial Conference: “Ecological Encounters: Agency, Identity, Interactions”, University of Surrey, August 29-31, 2013

The White Man’s Wilderness: Natur, Nation und Konstruktionen weißer Männlichkeit in der amerikanischen Geschichte [engl. The White Man’s Wilderness: Nature, Nation and Constructions of White Masculinity in American History], PanoRahmen: Gender Studies in Köln, University of Cologne, June 6, 2013

Wilderness and Masculinity in American History: An Intersectional Perspective, Teaching the Environment: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, University of Cologne, September 18-19, 2012

Black Frontiers: Afroamerikanische Männlichkeit und die Rolle des amerikanischen Westens im 19. Jahrhundert [engl. Black Frontiers: African American Masculinity and the Nineteenth-Century American West], Immer BeweGENDER. Transformationen (in) der Geschlechterforschung, University of Cologne, June 22-23, 2012
