(with Kim Schick and Johanna Schnuch): Workshop: Unterschiedliche Sprachlernerfahrungen im Inklusiven Kita- und Schulkontext. Fachtag des FMKS, didacta Köln, Feb 18, 2016.
(with Andreas Rohde, Kim Schick and Johanna Schnuch): World Café: Bilinguale Krippe und Kita. Fachtag des FMKS, didacta Köln, Feb 18, 2016.
(with Joy Kreeft Peyton, Andreas Rohde, Minna Suni, Taina Tammelin-Laine and Martha Young-Scholten): Theory and Practice in Teaching Immigrant Adults with Limited Education and Literacy. LESLLA 13th Annual Symposium, Portland (Oregon), August 12, 2017.
(with Andreas Rohde, Pia Holtappels and Charlotte Recker): Vocabulary Learning. Words, words, words. EU-Speak 3 Multiplier Event, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, July 21, 2018.
(with Pia Holtappels): Frühe Mehrsprachigkeit: Eine Zweitsprache in der KiTa fördern – aber wie? Fortbildung für KiTa-Kräfte, Baunatal, July 26, 2018.
(with Andreas Rohde and Pia Holtappels): Language acquisition, bilingualism and bilingual education. Cologne Summer School, Universität zu Köln, July 31 , 2018.