Dr. phil. Petra Bosenius
English Department II
Gronewaldstraße 2
50931 Cologne
Room: 1.104 b
E-Mail: petra.boseniusuni-koeln.de
Tel.: +49 (0)221/470 4641
Fax: +49 (0)221/470-5045
Office Hours
Due to the coronavirus situation, there will be no regular office hours until further notice. Please contact us via email.
Fields of Research and Teaching
- Bilingual teaching and learning/Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
- Teaching language and teaching literature in English
- Language teaching and language learning research
- Academic advisor for the Master courses of studies in English for primary, lower secondary, and special needs schools
- Supervisor for Bachelor’s and Master’s theses
- Examiner for all levels and types of schools
- Reviewer for students‘ studies abroad
- Counsellor for the supplementary course of studies on bilingual teaching and learning