Svenja Rosenau
English Department II
Gronewaldstraße 2
50931 Cologne
Room: 1.114
E-Mail: svenja.rosenauuni-koeln.de
Tel.: +49 (0)221/470 4628
Fax: +49 (0)221/470 5045
Office Hours
Due to the coronavirus situation, there will be no regular office hours until further notice. Please contact us via email.
Fields of Interest
- Literary and Cultural Theory
- Teaching Literature, Media and Culture (in the EFL/ESL context)
- Popular Culture
- Education for Sustainability/ Sustainable Development
Academic Career
- Course of study for Secondary School Education (University of Cologne) with special focus on English, Geography and German; Erstes Staatsexamen (equivalent to M.S.) (November 2015) - Final Thesis: 'The Depiction of Women in A Song of Ice and Fire'; examiner: Dr. Elisabeth Gilbert
- Tutor at Institut für Geographiedidaktik, Chair in Human Geography, Prof. Dr. Alexandra Budke, University of Cologne (Oktober 2013 - February 2016)
- Research Assistant at English Department II, University of Cologne (since April 2016)