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"Lesen als Überlebensstrategie in Zeiten der Klimakatastrophe", GegenwartsErde | ContemporaryEarth, Burg Hülshoff Center for Literature, 20.07.2024

"Climate Fiction", together with Roman Bartosch, Aspekte einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, University of Cologne, 25.06.2024

“A Microbiological Menace: Killer Spores and Toxic Pollen in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction”, Guest Lecture, Materiality of Air: Representation, Crisis, Health, University of Vienna, 03.06.2024 

“Ecocriticism: Eine Einführung”, Guest Lecture in the Seminar “Planetare Perspektiven: Die Erde als Schnittstelle von Natur und Kultur”, University of Bonn, 16.01.2024

“Environmental Humanities, Ecocriticism & the Anthropocenic Cityscape”, EUniWell Summer School Across Nature and Culture - The City of Florence as a Case Study for Natural Cultural Conservation and Preservation Issues, University of Florence, 05.09.2023

“Transformative Research for a World of Wounds”, Roundtable Discussion, Inaugural Symposium of MESH, University of Cologne, 22.10.2022



"Ökohorror im Literaturunterricht", Ökologische Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Grundlagen – Themen – Didaktik, Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich, 05.12.2024

Welcome address at the international conference Growing Futures: Vegetal Encounters in Contemporary Children's and Young Adult Ecofiction, University of Cologne, 25.04.2024

“Planting Seeds of Imagination in the EFL Classroom, Or the Challenges of Greening the Canon and the Curriculum”, Literature and the Anthropocene in EFL Education, Luleå University of Technology, 20.02.2024 (virtual meeting)

Welcome address at the international conference Figur(ation)en der 'Gegenwart'/ Figure(ation)s of 'the Present', together with Giuseppina Cimmino, Dana Steglich & Eva Stubenrauch, University of Bonn, 05.02.2020

“Reading Matters, Material Readings: Poetics of Relationality in a Storied World”, Cologne Summer School of International Anthropology IV Beyond Humanism: Cyborgs – Animals – Data Swarms, University of Cologne, 25.09.2019

“Material Ethics and the Affective Agency of (Uncanny) Literary Atmospheres”. Tracing Non-Human Agency in Literatures in English, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, 16.11.2018

 “Teaching Literary Atmospheres: A Theoretical Ground for a Hazy Matter”, Cultivating Sustainability: Education and the Environmental Humanities, University of Cologne, 05.10.2018

“Zom-Body to Love: Young Adult Zombie Fiction and the (not so) Monstrous Other”. Gothic Hybridities: Interdisciplinary, Multimodal and Transhistorical Approaches, Manchester Metropolitan University, 01.08.2018

“Deadly Entertaining Disasters: Mediated Landscapes of Fear in Climate Fiction”, Gothic Nature: New Directions in Ecohorror and the Ecogothic, Trinity College Dublin, 18.11.2017

“Towards Ambient Poetics: Literature and the Challenge of Representing Environmental Crisis”, a.r.t.e.s. forum 2017: “environment | agency”, University of Cologne, 07.07.2017
