Office Hours In the winter term 2024/25, office hours on Tuesday, 12.00-13.30 and on appointment. Please get in touch by email in advance.
Upcoming Talks
(with Julia Hoydis) “Advancing Climate Change Literacy: The Value of Thinking Twice”, University of Graz, March 20, 2025.
“The Erosion of Trust in Sustainability Education: The Promise of Radical Reading”, ASLE-UKI Biennial Conference Erosion|Creimeadh, NUI Galway, August 12-14, 2025.
(with Sina Derichsweiler) “Triggers as Tasks: The Democratic Value of Controversy and Conflict in Sustainability Education”, Anglistiktag 2025, University of Duisburg-Essen, September 21-24, 2025.
Current Projects | Aktuelle Projekte
Sharing a Planet in Peril
Together with Profs Kate Rigby and Michael Bollig, I am speaker of the international research alliance "Sharing a Planet in Peril" (SAPP).
Bringing together researchers from the University of Cologne’s Global South Studies Center and Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities with a wide network of international partners, SAPP advances actionable knowledge concerning the socio-cultural dimensions of Global Environmental Change from an Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences perspective:
Teacher Academy for a Future in Flux (teff) (EU-funded)
The Teacher Academy for a Future in Flux (teff) is a dynamic consortium of ten leading European universities, partner schools, and government as well as further educational institutions committed to enhancing teacher education. Teff addresses the pressing need for adaptable educators prepared to navigate diverse, mobile classrooms in a rapidly changing world. Our innovative model-framework blends digital, green, diversity, inclusion, and well-being skills with a European dimension, empowering students and teachers to champion European democracy and citizenship. Through transversal, agile, and lifelong learning, teff aims to elevate the teaching profession's appeal and impact, fostering futures-literate educators equipped to tackle current and future challenges.
Cultural Evolution in Changing Climate: Human and Earth System Coupled Research (HESCOR) (MKW NRW)
(in collaboration with the Faculty of Mathematics and the Sciences, UoC)
In the framework of the Profile Building 2022 of the Ministry for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Profilbildung 2022 des Ministeriums für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen), Germany, a new project on “Cultural Evolution in Changing Climate: Human and Earth System Coupled Research (HESCOR)” will be established at the University of Cologne.
Just Futures? - An Interdisciplinary Approach to Cultural Climate Models (DFG/AHRC)
(in collaboration with the Universities of Graz, Leeds, Sheffield, and Duisburg-Essen)
The interdisciplinary project responds to calls for more humanities research on climate change by developing an innovative methodological approach to cultural models of climate futures. It focuses especially on the topic of intergenerational justice. The project group brings together literary studies, linguistics, science and technology studies and literature pedagogy to investigate how different texts – cultural forms such as literature, social media, and literature reception in educational contexts – move between seemingly neutral climate facts (“models of”) and normative social values (“models for”). The project is framed by interdisciplinary model theory, which conceives of models as representations of reality that reduce complexity and serve specific purposes. Its approach to climate models (1) understands qualitative cultural modelling of climate change as necessary complement to the dominant quantitative scientific climate models, and (2) analyses the intertwining of descriptive and normative components in climate debates. The closely related sub-projects examine debates of climate change and intergenerational justice in Anglophone dramas and essays (WP 1), in social media (WP 2) and in the reception and communication of literature in criticism and education (WP 3). The project’s key objectives are:
to investigate how different kinds of texts engage in the cultural modelling of (un)just futures;
develop an interdisciplinary approach to cultural climate models that will be of wide benefit to researchers.
Julia Hoydis (Graz) Roman Bartosch (Cologne) Carolin Schwegler (Cologne) Jens Martin Gurr (Duisburg-Essen) David Higgins (Leeds) Warren Pearce (Sheffield)
Eco-critical Literacy in Musical and Literary Practices of Arts Education (Eco-Lit) (BMBF)
Funded by the BMBF (01JKT2409) (01.01.2024-31.12.206)
(with Professor Christian Rolle and Dr Linus Eusterbrock, Faculty of Human Sciences, Ethnomusicology and Music Education)
The project explores the potential of arts and culture education in non-formal settings, conceptually and through ethnographic empirical research, in the context of ecological crises and related societal transformations, and it develops new educational materials for more sustainable learning environments.
Together with a team of researchers and practitioners, I am developing a cross-cutting literacy project on climate change literature for young learners of diverse abilities. This includes building a cli-fi library and training modules for teachers as well as research on the selection and assessment of picture- and storybooks in the context of climate action and quality education. The project draws on prior work in the project group Cultures of Climate at UoC's Wissenschaftsforum zu Köln und Essen as well as on results from a previous project, Climate Change Literacy, funded by the VolkswagenFoundation, and it is linked with the ongoing teff academy as well as UNESCO's BRIDGES programme..
UNESCO/MOST BRIDGES Hub for Planetary Well-being and Ecological Flourishing
Focused on Planetary Wellbeing, the Cologne BRIDGES Thematic Hub addresses the interconnections amongst human health and wellbeing, climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity conservation and ecological regeneration. Bringing the insights and understandings of the environmental humanities to the One Health concept, the Hub approaches wellbeing from a perspective that prioritises multispecies conviviality and ecological flourishing in a shared Planet Earth for present and future generations.
The BRIDGES Thematic Hub for Planetary Wellbeing is anchored in two leading research institutions at the University of Cologne (UoC): the research hub for Multidisciplinary Environmental Studies in the Humanities (MESH) and the Global South Studies Center (GSSC). It is also supported by the Global Responsibility Unit at UoC and the European University for Wellbeing (EUniWell).
Situated within a capacious network of European research partners, but extending its scope and reach to include collaborators from the Global South in order to advance North-South-South eco-humanities interventions, the Hub explores and connects diverse concepts, methodologies and policies connected to Planetary Wellbeing, including intergenerational justice and mental health, art and literature, spirituality and value systems, indigenous and traditional knowledge systems, foresight and futures thinking, as well as discursive and other practices of more-than-human conviviality and collaboration.
Die Reihe „Diversitätsorientierte Literatur-, Kultur- und Sprachdidaktik“ (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier) stellt sowohl anwendungsbezogene Forschung der Schulentwicklung und Unterrichtsforschung in Zeiten erhöhter bzw. verstärkt wahrgenommener Heterogenität als auch für Grundlagenforschung in den Bereichen der Inter-/Transkulturalität vor, der Mehrsprachigkeit und einer Pädagogik der Vielfalt und Anerkennung, die sich dezidiert mit den Implikationen für und Möglichkeiten der fachdidaktischen Praxis auseinandersetzt.
Band 1: Inklusion und Nachhaltigkeit (Hg. Roman Bartosch und Andreas Köpfer).
Band 2: Language Awareness bei mehrsprachigen Kindern (Johanna Jördening).
Band 3: Towards Transformative Literature Pedagogy (Hg. Roman Bartosch).
Band 4: Inklusion und Deutsch als Zweitsprache als Querschnittsaufgabe in der Lehrer*innenbildung (Hg. Anna Grosshauser, Andreas Köpfer und Hanna Siegismund).
Band 5: Fremdheit im Englischunterricht. Eine interdisziplinäre Grundlagenarbeit zur Gestaltung von Fremdheitserfahrungen (Mareike Tödter).
Band 6: Das Solidaritätslabor. Polarisierung und Heterogenität im widerstandsbegrüßenden Englischunterricht (Sina Derichsweiler).
Band 7: Inklusiver Literaturunterricht mit Balladen. Eine Design-Based-Research-Studie zur Konzeption und empiriscen Rekonstruktion einer Balladenkulturdidaktik für die Sekundarstufe I (Laura Lewald-Romahn).
Band 8: Inklusiver Englischunterricht. Eine praktische Ermutigung (Ulla Schäfer).