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Prof. Dr. Roman Bartosch
Professor of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures
and the Teaching of English
Director IFDG
Co-Director MESH

English Department II
Richard-Strauss-Str. 2 (Bauwens, Geb.-Nr. 210)
50931 Köln

Office: 0.A.14
Tel.: +49 (0)221/470 4642


Office Hours 
There won't be official office hours in the summer, except for ongoing supervisions. Students can contact Dr Natalie Dederichs.


Upcoming Talks

"Future Imperfect: The End of the World and the Teaching of English", ESSE Conference, University of Lausanne (Switzerland), August 26-30, 2024 (Keynote).

(with Ulla Schäfer) "Reading for Change: Storylistening, Multisensory Storytelling and a Three-Step Model of Aesthetic Educational Practice", Sharing Aesthetic Experiences in a Society in Transition – International Perspectives on Learning in Inclusive Settings, University of Cologne, September 5, 2024.

"Making Sense of Diversity: Multisensory Storytelling and the Challenge of Sustainabilty", Embracing Diversity: Aspekte von Diversität in Literatur- und Kulturdidaktik für den Englischunterricht, University Halle-Wittenberg, September 27-28, 2024.


Current Projects | Aktuelle Projekte