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Vorträge und Workshops

2001 „Cultural transfers in the Cinquecento: Luigi Alamanni“, Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America (RSA) in Chicago

2005 „Theatrical Performances and Princely Representation in Renaissance Ferrara“, Annual Meeting of the RSA in Cambridge, UK

2006 „Präsentation und Repräsentation: Die Laokoongruppe in der Literatur des Cinquecento“, Interdisziplinäre Tagung „Immo vivo: Laokoon in Literatur und Kunst“, Bonn

2011 "Tropes of Heroism: John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces", Qualities of Heroism, CLSG, Corpus Christi College, Oxford.

2014 "From Fallen Angel to Dark Lord: Traces of Dante and Milton in the Harry Potter Series", Conference "Dante & Milton. National Visionaries and Visionary Nationalists", Institute of English Studies, University of London.

2016 “Waiting in Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds” - Interdisciplinary Conference “Waiting As Cultural Practice”, University Paderborn.

2017 “Complicity and the Child Protagonist" - Complicity and the Politics of Representation, Ruhr University Bochum.

2018  “Typically American Hitchcock?“ and “Beyond the Male Gaze: Gender in Hitchcock’s Films“ – with Andreas Rohde, Hitchcock Festival, University of West Alabama, Livingston, Alabama, USA.

2018 “Gender in Recent Children’s and Young Adult Fiction“ – Ringvorlesung What’s Sex(y) Now?, University of Cologne

2019 “Visualising the Spaces of Madness” – interdisciplinary conference “The Material and Immaterial Heritage of Psychiatry”, Centre for Critical Heritage Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

2019 “The Child Soldier in Nigerian Literature” – Progressive Connexions Conference “Evil Children – Children and Evil“, Verona, Italy.

2019 “Close Reading from a Distance: Fremdverstehen and the Teaching of Nigerian Fiction”, mit Roman Bartosch, zertifizierte Fortbildung Fachdidaktik Englisch, Bonn University.

2020 “A Cure for Ears and Eyes (and Noses): Boccaccio’s Il Decameron and the Importance of Nature” Ringvorlesung The Pandemic Imagination, University of Cologne.

2021 “Child Soldier Narratives and Complicity” Complicity Netzwerk, Paderborn University.

2021 “Against the Single Story – Encountering Nigeria via Multiple Readings” zertifizierte Fortbildung Fachdidaktik Englisch, Bonn University.

2022 “‘I am the beloved child of the House’: The House in Susanna Clarke’s Piranesi“ – interdisciplinary conference “Artistic Practices of (Un-)Making Place”, Universität Innsbruck, Austria.