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Petra Bosenius, PhD, course of studies (English and classical philology, i.e. Latin) within a teacher training programme for the lower and upper secondary level at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany, six months’ stay abroad at the University of Reading by virtue of a scholarship obtained from the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), undergraduate and graduate research assistant at Münster University as well as within the academic support for the sixth form level North Rhine-Westphalia (Wissenschaftliche Begleitung Kollegstufe NRW: 1980-85), academic staff member at Münster University (1985-1990), lecturer for advanced students since 1987, PhD degree in 1992, teacher training period for both the lower and the upper secondary level (Referendariat: 1990-1992) and second state examination (Zweite Staatsprüfung), qualified teacher for English and Latin at a grammar school in Germany (1993-1997), since 1997 lecturer at the English Department II, Interim Chair of English Language Teaching at Münster University (2006-2008), publications, partly based on empirical studies, on bilingual teaching and learning as well as on assessing pupils’ performance in English language classrooms.